As you know, November is National Novel Writing Month. That means that you should not be seeing many book reviews this month. Rather, if you see anything here at all, it should be our thoughts and meanderings on the writing process and the progress of each of our novels (4 of us are participating in this house:)). Why, then, you may ask, have you seen more book reviews thus far in November than you have in six months or more?
The answer is relatively simple and I think you know what it is. PROCRASTINATION. That evil beast that comes to foil our best laid plans. It is important to note, though, that it is indeed possible to make friends with this monster. His bad rap is really rather unfair. You see, Procrastination and I are very good friends. We work together, symbiotically, to create true masterpieces, to achieve great heights. Nothing I have ever achieved in my life could have been accomplished without the help of my dear friend Procrastination. A real life example of this beautiful partnership can be seen on my parenting blog.
There are those who will be up in arms at the thought of this relationship, who will try (and fail) to tear us apart.
One of my friend's suggested that I write my novel about someone procrastinating writing a novel by blogging! Not a bad idea. My friend, Procrastination, however, can be quite bashful. He likes to reside in the shadows, meeting me in quiet, private moments. He doesn't like a crowd, though he will sometimes use one to help me achieve me goals. Right now, he is feeling the pressure of so much public exposure and has asked that I move on to another topic. I will surrender to this request respectfully and bid you all a good day and happy reading - or novelling, if that is what you are doing this November. And if you are novelling and reading this post, then I guess we share a friend:)
My fiction teacher told me that writing a short story is like a 100-yard dash, while writing a novel is more like a marathon. Make sure you load up on carbs!